I did a shoot with a model Amanda last year, and decided to try something a little different.I had her lay down with her head on a pillow so that she was comfortable, and I sat on a chair beside the end of the couch and worked from there. I got the idea from the great Kevin Aucoin, who did almost all of his makeup applications with the model laying flat on the floor with her/his head between his knees, viewing the model's face upside down, but also in its entirety (rather than stand on the right or left). It worked out really well. Amanda was relaxed and I got to take my time with a better view of the canvas. See below, click to enlarge.

Last Halloween, I applied makeup to the team working at The Dark Side Halloween Store in the Seaway Mall. One of the girls decided to be a chef who was burned like the girl in that WSIB video [WARNING: Do not watch the video in that link unless you are not easily disturbed. I, myself, love all the WSIB videos. :)] So, we went with a less exaggerated version of Amanda's third degree burns, and ended up with a little something like this:

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